About Us

AIMS Communities prides itself as the pioneer Virtual Collaboration Portal in the region and one of the few globally, with a mission to prepare a healthy environment for local, regional and global partnerships between academia and the industry, that will culminate in synergy yielding high quality academic research of important strategic, tactical and operational topics of interest to businesses that will contribute to major improvement in the industry status and that which will translate into tangible gains for the economy.

AIMS Communities imitative through Innovative Solutions is focused on promoting intercultural knowledge creation and knowledge sharing among educators, practitioners and university students in developed countries and MENA region countries.

Through building communities of university academicians, industry practitioners and university students, members of each community based on their matching interests can team up to create a virtual partnership specifically in areas of education, research and CSR.

University academicians (Educators and Researchers) will offer education support, coaching and training in different knowledge areas and subject matters to university students and research and consulting services to the industry for free but will be rewarded a number of points based on the estimated value of the provided service.

University academicians can also team up with other academicians or industry practitioners to take part in joint research for enriching academic body of knowledge or to help solve industry problems and challenges and/or improve quality.

Industry firms and practitioners being the main beneficiaries of research and consulting services offered by academicians, will contribute to the program through internships, employment opportunities and sponsoring academic research and CSR initiatives and projects.

University students will benefit from offered academicians’ education, training and coaching services for free. They can also team up with students from other regions for joint intercultural projects and assignments. They can also benefit from Industry internship and job opportunities.

Freelancers also represent one of the important communities which will be proactive in offering high quality training and consulting services for business organisations and academic institutions alike. 

As a knowledge Hub, AIMS will build the communities and will facilitate the teaming up based on matching interests.

The concept and the business model were piloted on Facebook for several years under AIMS Innovative Solutions, giving a strong indication of the interest of good number of people who fit into the key communities (Academicians, Industry Practitioners, Freelancers and University students). However, considering the win, win, win situation that AMIS represent, it is expected that the initial platform would grow to become a Knowledge Portal and the number of communities will grow in numbers to include other regions and scale up in terms services types.

With a clear vision of a success story, I strongly believe that AIMS will promote intercultural partnerships and will develop virtual exchange opportunities in a way that will serve all main parties; academic, industry and students across the globe. within their curriculum and at their institutions in order to increase inclusion, diversity, equity, improve mutual understanding across cultures and support students in developing cross-cultural collaboration and empathy. 

Founder’s Profile

Dr. Fayez Albadri is a well-established academic, educator, consultant and manager for over two decades. He holds a Doctorate in Management from MGSM Macquarie University in Sydney Australia, Masters in Intelligent Information Processing Systems from University of Western Australia in Perth, Graduate Certificate in Computer Instructional Design from Edith Cowan University in Perth, and Bachelor degree in Engineering from University of Westminster in London, UK. He is recognized as IS&T Specialist and Management Expert for his record in managing IT projects, implementing ERP systems and e-business solutions. Dr. Albadri is a pioneer researcher and academic with important contributions in the areas of educational technology and instructional design, entrepreneurship and e-business, IT strategic planning, project management and risk management. He is renowned for his development of (IPRM) the Integrated Project-Risk Model and the introduction of (IELCM) the Integrated ERP Life-Cycle Management approach. He has also delivered numerous seminars and training workshops to hundreds of academics and professionals in Australia and the Middle East.

الدكتور فايزأحمد البدري

  • أكاديمي ومدرب وأستشاري لأكثرمن عقدين، وله مساهمات هامة في مجالات تكنولوجيا التعليم والأعمال التجارية الإلكترونية وإدارة تقنية المعلومات وإدارة المشاريع والمخاطرالأستراتيجية.
  • باحث ومؤلف وناشر للعديد من الأبحاث الأكاديمية والتطبيقية وخمس كتب مراجع متخصصة من خلال IGI Global ويعرف لتطويره نموذج (IPRM) للمشاريع المتكاملة وإدخال (IELCM) في نهج الإدارة المتكامل لدورة حياة نظام ERP  وقد قدم العديد من أوراق البحث في المؤتمرات والندوات وورش العمل التدريبية لمئات من الأكاديميين والمهنيين في أستراليا والشرق الأوسط.
  • حاصل على شهادة الدكتوراة في الأدارة من جامعة ماكويري في سيدني – أستراليا.
  • حاصل على شهادة الماجستيرفي نظم معالجة المعلومات الذكية من جامعة غرب أستراليا في بيرث – أستراليا.
  • حاصل على شهادة الدراسات العليا في التصاميم التعليمية الحاسوبية من جامعة أيديث كوان في بيرث – غرب أستراليا.
  • حاصل على دبلوما في تكنولوجيا الهندسة من كلية برادفورد في غرب يوركشير- بريطانيا.
  • حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس في الهندسة من جامعة ويستمنستر في لندن – بريطانيا.
  • خبرة أكاديمية في العديد من الجامعات العالمية وألأقليمية: البريطانية والأمريكية والسويسرية والأسترالية والأماراتية.
  • خبرة أحترافية في العمل الأداري وأدارة المشاريع وأستشارات الأعمال و تنفيذ نظم تخطيط موارد المؤسسات وحلول الأعمال الإلكترونية والتدريب في العديد من الشركات العالمية والخليجية في قطاعات البترول والتكنولوجيا والتصنيع والخدمات.
  • مدرب معتمد في العديد من المجالات مثل أنظمة تخطيط موارد المؤسسات وأنظمة الأعمال الذكية و وأدارة المشاريع وأدارة المخاطر والأدارة الأستراتيجية، حيث نفذ مئات الدورات المحلية والأقليمية والعالمية.

عضو في العديد من الأتحادات والجمعيات والتقابات الأكاديمية والأحترافية العالمية والأقليمية والمحلية.
